Your homepage is really going to be the first impression that people have of not only your business, but your brand, your services, and what they think of you.

Start thinking of your website’s homepage as the absolute best customer service representative or sales associate you have ever hired.

She is that smiling face in your storefront, the one who makes your clients and customers feel immediately at ease.

She is the employee who keeps your customers coming back for more, simply because she creates an atmosphere of welcoming and knowledgeable support.

But, what is your must-have content for a website homepage? You want this content to be the very best it can possibly be, especially if your visitors never go much farther than that homepage!

To help you out, we’ve come up with 3 key questions that you should answer to capture your potential clients’ attention so they know you’re so right for them.


To help you out, we’ve come up with 3 key questions that you should answer to capture your potential clients' so they know you’re so right for them.
3 crucial questions your website homepage should answer to grab attention of your ideal clients

1 | Who are you? What is it you do, exactly?

Your headline is the phrase your homepage uses to greet every one of your customers. This should be something simple; free of jargon and industry-speak and a message which immediately conveys to your customers exactly what it is that you are going to do for them.

If you’re not sure where to get started, check out our Instagram post on how to describe what you do in one simple sentence.

Use powerful images on your page to tell your brand message of who you are and what you do. People who skip over words will zoom in immediately to those images and will get a clear and definite visual of what your brand is and what you offer.

If you can’t find styled stock photography that very clearly represents what it is that you and your business offer, then create room in your budget for a personalized photo shoot.

Related post: 5 Things To Think About Before Doing A Website Redesign

2 | How are you better than your competition?

If you’ve Googled your service and your city or state, you’ve likely found that you aren’t the only company or person who provides what it is that you do.

So why should your customers come to you instead of the other girl boss? What makes you stand out, and what makes you the better choice in the long run?

Putting your benefits front and center lets your audience know why they should care. You can’t campaign and tell your entire city why your business is the best business for their problem — but your homepage can do that for you.

Don’t overwhelm this area with information, but do present a solid argument for why you should be your customer’s #1 choice and not the other guy.

Related post: Not Seeing Good Results From Marketing? Here’s What to Do

3 | Why should I hire you? How credible are you?

Your homepage is one of the best places to brag about yourself. If you’re the type who has a hard time doing this, good news — you can let previous clients brag for you.

Include images of previous work along with client testimonials and make a connection between not only the work you’ve done but the people you’ve done it for.

By putting your best foot forward here, instead of on a gallery of your work, you are being completely upfront and demanding of your future client’s attention. Future customers may never make it past your homepage, and first impressions are as real of a phenomenon in web space as they are in person.

Choose the testimonials and work that make you feel most proud, and which show you off in your industry — and put them smack on your home page.

Related post: Here are 5 elements of a strong coaching site that books clients.

Final Thoughts

By thinking of your homepage as an employee and giving it the tools to introduce your brand and business to your future customers, you can successfully build a web page that will not only grab the attention of future clients but also get you their business.

It’s worth the time to ensure that your homepage is one of the most well-laid-out pages on your entire site, because like we said — those first impressions matter, even on the web!

Want to create a website that wows your potential clients? Check out our ChicServe WordPress theme. It’s built for service providers just like you!

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