5 Tips for Giving Thanks to Clients and Customers | Are you thankful for your customers? Show your clients and customers appreciation with these five thoughtful customer retention tips!

Are you thankful for your customers?

Well, of course, you are! Now… how often do you actually thank them for your business?

Giving thanks to your clients and customers and showing them appreciation is not just a nice thing to do.

It can keep your biz going, keep customers loyal, and boost you above your competition.

It’s the season for giving thanks! Let’s look at a few ways you can give thanks to your customers.

5 Tips for Giving Thanks to Clients & Customers 

1 | Know your customers

You can’t show your customers the right kind of appreciation if you don’t know anything about them! So, your first step is to get to know who’s supporting your business. 

Identify your top customers who spend the most on your products or services. What are they buying? When do they tend to buy? Does free shipping attract them or a special discount? Do they tend to browse during holiday sales? 

You can take your research a little further and pinpoint the customers who visit your site frequently, or the customers who engage with your brand most often on social media. Once you know who your customers are, you can decide how to show them appreciation.

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2 | Host a loyalty program 

Once you know more about your customer habits, you can create a loyalty program — also called a rewards program — to keep them around. A loyalty program encourages customers to visit you again and again to make purchases.

One example of a simple rewards program? Punch cards. You’d get a punch for each visit to a cafe, coffee shop, or restaurant, and your fifth or tenth purchase would be free. We don’t see that as much now thanks to coronavirus, but you can still use the idea for your online business.

How you structure your rewards program is up to you. If you award one point per dollar spent, you could assign different point amounts to products or services. Or, you could offer rewards like discounts, a free item or service with purchase, or a free upgrade with the purchase.

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3 | Reward your top customers

Make sure you reward your best customers, too. Choose incentives to keep them loyal to your brand. If you’ve set up a loyalty program, you can reward your top customers with the highest tier of gifts. You might even create special rewards for your VIP customers.

What kind of rewards might you give? Exclusive or early access to sales, brand swag, special discounts, or BOGO deals are all good ideas. It’s your choice! The important thing is to give thanks to those customers who are doing the most for your business.  

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Once you know more about your customer habits, you can create a loyalty program or a rewards program to keep them around. Encourage customers to visit you again and again to make purchases.Click To Tweet

4 | Give customers a shoutout on social media

Here’s a way to give thanks to customers that’s basically free. Highlighting customers on social media goes above and beyond simply following customers, liking their posts, and responding to comments. Show them some love and give them a shout-out.

Look through your social media platforms to see who engages with your brand most often, or spotlight a customer who frequently buys from your business. You can make it fun and do a quick interview with your chosen customer, then share their responses along with a photo.

Don’t forget to thank them in your post!

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5 | Offer freebies

One great way to keep your customers around? Offer them something valuable for free during tough times. Yep, I’m talking about coronavirus. We remember the businesses who went above and beyond to help their customers out. Unfortunately, we also remember the businesses who weren’t so thoughtful, too.

By giving a product or service away for free, you’re positioning your brand in a positive light and spreading good word-of-mouth about your company. Giving back to others feels pretty great, too.

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Final Thoughts 

Without your customers, your brand would struggle or even fail. Boost your customer retention by giving thanks: show your customers just how much you appreciate their business and support. 

Speaking of giving thanks, keep an eye out for our exciting promotion and sale coming soon! We’ll have some super special deals and wonderful offers for you all. Sign up for our email list to get notified!